Top 4 Best Air Purifying Plants

Several studies have shown that a wide range of household products can contaminate indoor air. These pollutants may include paints, paper towels, grocery bags, oils, detergents, paints, dyes, rinter inks as well as many other industrial products. They contain different types of toxins and chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, and trichloroethylene which pollute indoor air.

While the effects of these chemicals on the human body are not adequately understood, preliminary evidence suggests that exposure to such toxins can cause cancer way down the road. That is also why many people are buying the top air purifier for mold allergies at their home. Fortunately, there are various plants that can help to purify indoor air, guaranteeing clean, fresh air.

This article highlights the 4 best air purifying plants and how they work. Keep reading on to find out more.

Indoor Air Purifying Plants

The spider plant

The spider plant or chlorophylum comosum is perhaps the most preferred air purifier, thanks to its hardy nature and risk-free benefits for pets and kids. The snake plant is mainly available in two variegated types which are sold as household air cleaners.

As previously mentioned, the spider plant is hardy, enduring low temperatures up to 35F although it does well in temperatures between 65F and 90F. This plant can filter air impurities such as formaldehyde, toluene, benzene and xylene.

The peace lily

The peace lily is known scientifically as spathiphyllum cochlearispathum. With a single petal called spathe that surrounds a fleshy stem, known as spadix and large, broad leaves, the peace lily makes an excellent ornamental and air purifier as well. It requires minimal light and grows well in a shaded area, creating a perfect indoor air cleaner. The peace lily is known to filter out air chemicals and toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and TCE as well as toluene and xylene. However, it is poisonous to pets like dogs if eaten.

The snake plant

Depending on locality, the snake plant or Sansevieria trifasciata may be known by different aliases such as mother-in-law`s tongue and many more. In essence, the snake plant is evergreen with showy flowers. It is also highly tolerant to low moisture and high light intensity although it grows well in areas with little light hence it does well as an indoor air purifier. Perhaps the most notable
downside of this plant is that it is intolerant to excess watering; thus it should be well drained. It is also toxic to pets when ingested. The snake plant removes toxins like formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, xylene, and trichloroethylene.

Red-edged Dracaena

As its name implies, their leaves have red regions on the edges. While the plant is widely grown as an ornamental, its air-purifying characteristics are also acknowledged. Like most indoor plants, the red-edged dracaena or Dracaena marginata requires little sunlight and can stay for long with little water.

Like the snake plant, it is susceptible to root rot; hence they need moderate watering. Regrettably, this plant is also toxic to pets when ingested. It is ideal for removing chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene and trichloroethylene in the air.

To conclude, these four best air purifying plants do not just remove toxins in the air, but they can make great ornamentals and humidity regulators as well.